Let’s celebrate our November & December ARCON Anniversaries: Brian Kukla, Frank Pantaleon & Keith Podalak!
Celebrating 8 years with ARCON, Brian leads the architectural team for THSD 211, the largest high school district in the state and ARCON’s longest running client. Alongside his fantastic architectural skills, Brian brings a fun, lighthearted and outgoing presence to our team.
Frank has been the ultimate helping hand at ARCON for 26 years; whenever a team needs an someone to jump in or a last-minute change happens, Frank is the first to step up and help whoever needs it.
As both a project manager and construction manager, Keith has been hard at work for the past 7 years. Working with Matteson ESD 162, West Chicago ESD 33, Lake Park CHSD 108 & more, has given Keith the opportunity to work on a variety of different projects.
Happy ARCON Anniversary Brian, Frank & Keith!