Growing enrollment in this elementary school district in the north suburbs of Chicago prompted a District-wide Facilities Capacity Inventory and Master Planning process. Phase I of this process includes additions and remodeling at three of the district’s 16 elementary buildings. Additions at the buildings include classrooms, multi-purpose rooms, administrative offices with secure entrances and a 3-story stairwell that replaces a fire escape circa 1940 to provide adequate exiting of the upper floors of the building. Remodeling includes identified Life Safety work, the conversion of existing office spaces into classrooms, door and hardware replacement and mechanical equipment replacement.
Both historically significant buildings, Oakton and Willard schools required design sensitivity due to their age and historic status within the community. Period details such as terra cotta accents, clay tile roofing, and cast stone arches were designed and detailed to match the existing buildings to provide seamless solutions to the District’s building programs.