Leman Middle School Tech Center

Leman Middle School’s existing, outdated Technology Lab did not align with the district’s desire for a collaborative, innovative, and flexible environment. Large, rigid computer stations took up most of the space, and walls were heavily utilized for storage. Staff was also lacking an area for curriculum preparation, and collaboration amongst themselves. ARCON assisted the district in the design and construction of an environment that would support the district’s 21st century curriculum.

The existing computer stations were removed in order to provide a blank canvas for instruction. Flexible furniture allows the space to be configured into a layout that supports the lesson-at-hand. Floor-to-ceiling marker walls line the back of the room, along with several monitors, allowing for multiple means of projection. A linear recessed light, and accent color at the entrance highlights the innovative work being done inside, as well as creating a welcoming environment for students.

In order to provide the district with maximum control of the project from start-to-finish, the architect also performed the construction management duties. This was unique in that it helped expedite the construction process, provide the owner one direct contact, and enable quick resolutions to design and construction related questions. The construction manager was available every day to provide extensive on-site observation and quick response time to any issues that were raised.


West Chicago ESD 33


West Chicago, IL


3,000 SF Renovation

Grades / Capacity

6-8 / 1,800 Students

Construction Manager

ARCON Managers, LLC


August 2018